Landulph Climate Group
Landulph Parish Council supports Cornwall Council’s initiative to declare a joint Climate and Ecological Emergency. The commitment is to become carbon neutral by 2030 and to protect, conserve and grow Cornwall’s eco-systems to ensure a fully sustainable low carbon future for Cornwall.
Landulph Parish Council Climate Change Statement of Intent
The Parish Council has set up a small sub-group made up of parish councillors and parishioners to encourage individuals to make changes to reduce their impact on the environment. This page summarises the recommendations of the group and provides links to further information. If you are interested in contributing to the sub-group please contact:
Katherine Williams, Clerk to the Parish Council

Flights in the Dimpse
The importance of a nature rich environment is not lost on anyone living in Landulph but are you aware of the sheer number of Bat species we have flying at dusk and dawn around our gardens and roofs?
When I first plugged my Echo Meter Touch 2 in to my phone and scanned one evening in July, I was astounded at how many different Bats were visiting my garden.
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2nd March 2024

Shopper Hopper on Wednesdays will now be operated by Saltash Red Bus
The Wednesday Shopper Hopper from Cargreen to Carkeel shops will in future be operated by Saltash Red Bus. This service leaves the junction of Fore Street and Coombe Lane at 11:00 and leaves Waitrose on the return at 13:00 every Wednesday. The cost is £3 - bus passes are not valid. The hopper may be hailed on route via Landulph Cross, Wayton and Stockton Barns.
Saltash Red Bus also operate a number of trips - see pdf for details.
March 2024 details for Saltash Red Bus Trips (pdf)
28th February 2024

Our new name and logo
We have now simplified our name to Landulph Climate Group (LCG for short), mainly to stop us getting in a muddle over too many initials. The new name also aligns us with our Instagram account (landulphclimategroup) and reflects our wider remit that includes both the Climate and Ecological Emergency declared by Cornwall Council. Thanks to Gill Mannings Cox, we also have a lovely new logo.
26th January 2024

All Aflutter over Butterflies and Beavers?
Butterflies, beavers, food security and climate change.... so much debate, we can’t think straight! Food production depends on a healthy environment. But the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world – in 75 years we have lost over 75,000 miles of hedgerows and 97% of wildflower meadows. Forty million birds have gone since the mid-1960s. Our flying insect population has declined by 60% in just 20 years.
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16th November 2023
Is it a bus – no, it’s a research tool
Take the bus to visit The Box in Plymouth. The Box is spectacular; no other word will do. You feel you would never get to the bottom of the possibilities for exciting exploration. There are friendly and passionately enthusiastic staff to direct you to what you’re looking for. The presentation is inspirational and the coffee and cake is pretty good too.
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15th November 2023

Public Transport Competition - Results
This week Landulph Climate Group are pleased to announce the winners of our Summer Public Transport competition:
Over 8s
Best Diary - Isabelle
Best picture - Jasmine
Under 8s
Best Diary - Michael
Best picture - Tilly
Prizes were donated by Bodmin Railway, Cornish Maize Maze and Carkeel Garden Centre.
We enjoyed looking at the diaries and pictures and finding out about where the children went by bus, train and ferry. Thanks to the organisations who donated prizes and the adults who took the children on public transport.
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Public Transport Competition Entry Form (pdf)
Bus Timetable for Landulph (pdf)
19th September 2023

Handshake Across the Tamar
To build links with our neighbours and share experiences, Landulph Climate Group, visited Here Ferrers and met representatives from the Parish Council.
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18th September 2023
New Tamara Coast to Coast Way
A new long distance path opened in July 2023 – it follows the Tamar from Plymouth to its source and then onto the Cornish-Devon north coast border. The route is 87 miles long and is divided into 7 stages using some existing paths on both the Cornish and Devon banks. One of the challenges for the designers of this path have been the limited crossing points in the lower reaches of the Tamar. At Calstock the main route crosses from Devon to Cornwall using the train!
For those wanting to follow the route in Cornwall and so perhaps the complete circuit of Cornwall, the Kylgh Kernow, there are alternative routes that stay on the Cornish bank including one passing through Cargreen.
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17th July 2023

The Rainforests of Landulph
Steep, deep green and secret – that’s how temperate rainforests are imagined. Landulph is lucky: ours are easy to find and easily accessible. Landulph has all the ingredients needed for a rainforest to flourish; a warm south-westerly prevailing wind keeps our temperatures comparatively high throughout the year. We have a notoriously high rainfall, keeping our multitude of springs running through most of the year. You can find seepage from those springs almost everywhere from the high ground down towards the watercourses. Those watercourses have cut deep hollows into the ground and if the greenery in those hollows has remained untamed for a long time, there’s the chance for a rainforest to grow.
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20th May 2023

Strategic Intent and Progress 2023/24
In April 2023, LPCAG reevaluated our priorities for the next year - we all agreed that our priorities of Biodiversity and Transport would continue for another year with Biodiversity renamed to Nature Recovery as this more accurately reflects what we want to achieve. Other topic headings include Energy, Youth Engagement, Local Community and Networking. We will maintain Recycling with a view to prioritising this topic in 2024 to coincide with changes in Cornwall County Council’s waste management services. The chart above illustrates the activities we have completed so far this year against our priorities
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Strategic Intent and Progress 2022/23
4th April 2023
Repair and Reuse in Saltash
Saltash now has two Scrapstores in Fore Street where you can buy all kinds of bits and pieces and a repair cafe that runs in St Nicolas Church on the second Saturday of each month.
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10th March 2023

Ponds make me happy
I can identify with the dragonfly. We require water to drink, food to eat and a place to rest and be secure. Looking around our garden, I see very few dragonflies because it offers none of the above. It needs a body of water with some plants in it. Kidney-shaped or round, deep or shallow, wild or formal; anything will attract beetles, newts, tadpoles and dragonflies. A forever changing landscape to sit and watch whilst drinking a cup of tea.
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10th March 2023

Using a Thermal Camera to identify cold spots
Landulph Parish Council has recently purchased a FLIR One Pro thermal camera for LPCAG to use. This thermal camera combines an ordinary digital picture with an infrared picture so that you can see temperature differences represented by colour shading combined with an outline of the background. Thermal cameras have many uses but LPCAG will be using it to help residents in our local community identify cold spots in their homes. Once identified, simple insulation (eg draft excluders or extra loft insulation) targeted at these cold spots can keep your home warmer and save on heating costs.
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18th January 2023
Coombe Corner
Members of the Parish Council's LPCAG have become official Cormac volunteers with responsibility for the corner of land between Coombe Drive and Coombe Lane. Amanda Pugh had already planted up an old dinghy to create a space for pollinators and increase biodiversity by creating a wildlife corridor to her nearby garden.
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5th December 2022
Landulph - Home of Endangered Species
The parish of Landulph is home to at least three endangered species: the hedgehog, which is on the ICUN Red list as vulnerable to extinction, the curlew listed as near threatened, and the swift which is globally threatened.
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5th November 2022
Summer Days Out
Thinking about a day out but the thought of summer parking making you groan? We've been trying some different days out for you:
The Cargreen train - a scenic journey from Gunnislake to opposite Cargreen and over the viaducts to Plymouth
Looe without the traffic - enjoy an easy free parking day by taking the train from Saltash via Liskeard to Looe
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16th July 2022
Eco Day at Landulph School
We were delighted that Landulph Parish Climate Action Group (LPCAG) was invited by Landulph School to speak at their Eco Day in May. The school was hosting an event attended by students from other school councils across the region focussing on what can be done to look after the environment and what and how they can make changes to their schools and in their local areas to be more eco-friendly. LPCAG was able to share our knowledge on the importance of protecting the biodiversity and special habitats around us and we looked at some of the important wildlife that is under threat, but which we are lucky to have in our local area, including the curlew, hedgehogs and our summer visitors, the swifts!
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18th May 2022

Cutting Your Electricity Costs
Saving electricity is good for your purse and good for the environment. We all use lots of electrical appliances but do you know which appliances use the most electricity? The Energy Saving Trust now estimate (in January 2021) that washing appliances use the most electricity particularly if you heat your water by electricity and use a tumble drier; but this obviously depends on your household. When you need to buy a new appliance, be aware that the energy labelling has changed in March 2021 to a simple A to G scale (A is the most efficient).
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13th November 2021
Why is biodiversity so important and what has it to do with Climate Change? Biodiversity describes the vast range of interacting living things. For millennia the interaction of these systems resulted in a fine balance between the natural emission of carbon into the atmosphere and the absorption of carbon back into the land and oceans. A wide diversity of species meant failure in one system could be compensated in another and the whole eco system rebalanced. Trees and plants absorb large amounts of carbon as well as providing habitats for a wide range of species.
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1st August 2021
Water Saving
Saving water is not just good for the environment - it can save you money! Even though water doesn't appear to be in short supply in the UK, using less water actually means you are saving energy as treating the water that comes out of our taps is a very energy intensive process. A running tap uses between 6 to 9 litres of water a minute; a dripping tap can waste 5,500 litres a year.
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25th May 2021
Composting benefits our gardens by reducing kitchen waste and providing a mini ecosystem all ready to get to work by improving the structure and health of your soil. If you have the space for an open compost heap it will also provide a home and a larder for wildlife including Hedgehogs and grass snakes. Your homemade compost will boost the fertility of your soil without the need for chemicals. It can also help your plants resist disease by increasing water and nutrient retention.
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3rd March 2021

LED Light Bulbs
Switching to LED light bulbs in your house reduces your carbon footprint and saves you money.Typically LED light bulbs use a lot less electricity than ordinary light bulbs (saving £2 - £7 per bulb per year) and last a lot longer (at least 5 times longer).Switching to LED lights in your house could reduce your carbon footprint per year by 63kg and if we all swapped, we would save 1.7 million tonnes annually.
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3rd March 2021

Nothing guzzles carbon like a tree; woodland in the UK captures 20 million tonnes of CO2 annually and a study by Defra's science department, Forest Research, says soils store most carbon - a massive 72% of a wood's total. Native woods have other benefits: they enrich the soil, shelter livestock, reduce floodwater runoff, increase biodiversity, produce fruit crops and improve people's mental health all while storing carbon.
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13th January 2021

Something that we can all do something about is about WASTE - and how we can reduce it.
Every tonne of paper recycled saves 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 2 barrels of oil & 4,000kw of electricity, that energy saved can power 1 home for 5 months! The energy saved by recycling just 1 aluminium can is enough to run a television for three hours! Recycling one tonne of plastic bottles saves the equivalent energy usage of a two-person household for one year! Recycling a single plastic bottle can conserve enough energy to light a 60w light bulb for up to 6 hours! The energy saved from recycling 1 glass bottle is enough to power a light bulb for 4 hours.
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13th January 2021
Winter Talks 2023
Last year, Cornwall Council added an ecological emergency to the climate emergency and pledged to support nature recovery alongside becoming carbon neutral. LPCAG has added nature recovery to its terms of reference and this year's winter talks reflect this.
Monday 6 February: Nature Recovery in Landulph's Changing Climate
Monday 6 March: Food for Thought
We've also added more time for discussion. Each free talk will be at the Landulph Memorial Hall from 18:30 to 20:30 with wine and hot drinks available for a donation. The sessions will also be streamed live on Google Meet.
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6th February 2023
Winter Talks 2022
Following on from what you told us was important in last year's questionnaire (see below), we have organised two free events to help us understand the practical implications of climate change on our lives in Landulph. Each talk will be at the Landulph Memorial Hall from 18:30 to 20:30 with wine and hot drinks available for a donation (regulations permitting). The sessions will also be streamed live on Zoom. Please register your interest now in both sessions and we will send you more information.
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17th January 2022
Annual Review 2021
Review of activities in 2021 by Councillor Martin Worth, Chair of LPCAG
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Questionnaire Responses
During the summer, LPCAG asked the parish about climate change (see questionnaire). 37 people responded and thought climate change was concerning but were worried about different issues.
There were some very interesting comments on the questionnaire. Overall opinion was divided between we, in Landulph Parish, can make a difference but we need action not words and this is really a problem for the government and world leaders. The LPCAG aims to encourage individuals to make changes to reduce their impact on the environment.
30th June 2021

Climate Crisis
To become carbon- neutral we need to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we produce and capture the carbon dioxide we do produce to prevent it entering the atmosphere. In this way our impact on the planet will support a positive future for everyone. To achieve this target, businesses, residents and organisations in Cornwall need to work in partnership with Cornwall Council to tackle carbon emissions in the areas illustrated in the diagram above.
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13th January 2021
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