Duke Orchard
The first field above the church, Duke Orchard (///harmless.tanked.proved), is primarily an orchard containing about 60 apple, pear, plum, cherry, damson and nut trees. Planting was completed in March 2024 and in time we hope it will look like this. There is a firm path from Church Lane to a picnic area with seating and a lovely view of the church. The grass between the trees will be left long in summer to encourage wild flowers to grow but with mown paths between the trees and additional seating areas.
The official opening was on 27 April 2024. To become a volunteer, please see: https://www.landulph.org.uk/landulph-orchard-green-archive.php?id=6

January 14 2024 - Volunteers planting trees

Steve Pearson shows us how to plant a fruit tree:
- loosen the soil in the hole
- make sure the hole is the right depth - don't cover the base of the tree
- take tree out of pot and gently loosen soil around roots and put in hole
- sprinkle some bonemeal (but not on roots)
- fill up with soil (not weeds) and gently firm
- add short stake and remove plastic ties to cane
- add vole guard
- add cardboard mulch and bark chipping
- hammer in long stake and attach wire deer guard with cable ties

About 20 volunteers divided into groups and we planted 46 fruit trees (apples, pears and plums). Phillida provided a welcome tea break.
The remaining 14 trees (cherries and damsons) funded by the FIPL grant have now been planted. A list of the trees and a description of the varieties are attached as pdfs.

January 2024 - New hedge
A new hedge has been planted at the top of Duke Orchard - in time this will protect visitors from falling into the lane. It was planted on the soil removed when creating the path and picnic spaces. The hedge consists of:
- 55 Quickthorn (Hawthorn) 60-90cm Sd
- 15 Rose, Sweet Briar 40-60cm Sd
- 10 Hazel 40-60cm Sd
- 10 Blackthorn 60-90cm Sd
- 10 Dogwood 40-60cm Sd
It has also been planted with daffodils and snowdrops.

March 2024 - Blossom
Despite a very wet and windy spring, this plum tree in the orchard is in blossom.

April 27 2024 - Opening
Duke Orchard was officially opened by Martin Howlett, Chair of Tamar Valley National Landscape assisted by Martin Worth, Joseph Best and Fleur Pearson.