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Landulph Parish Council

Council Documents

Any documents listed below are available to download as pdf documents.

They are also available on application to the Parish Clerk. Information provided is correct at time of going to press but no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused due to the use of this information.


July 2024 - Governance and Finance report

July 2024 - Report from LPCAG

July 2024 - Report from Landulph Orchard Working Group

July 2024 - Review of Communications Policy

July 2024 - Finance Update to note

July 2024 - Report of Delegated Decisions Taken for information

July 2024 - Planning Update for information

July 2024 - Report of the Playground Working Group

June 2024 - Report of the Governance and Finance Working Group

June 2024 - Report of the Landulph Orchard Working Group

June 2024 - Report from the Playground Working Group

June 2024 - Report from Landulph Climate Group

June 2024 - Delegated Decisions Taken

June 2024 - Planning Update

May 2024 - End of Year Accounts 23/24

May 2024 - Report of Landulph Orchard Green Working Group

May 2024 - Report of Landulph Climate Group

May 2024 - Report of the Playing Field Working Group

April 2024 - Report of the Landulph Climate Working Group

April 2024 - Report of the Landulph Orchard Green Working Group

April 2024 - Planning Update Report

March 2024 - Finance Update

March 2024 - Accounts for payment

March 2024 - Report of the Playing Field Working Group

March 2024 - Report of Landulph Climate Group

March 2024 - Report from Landulph Orchard Green Working Group

March 2024 - Planning Updates (information only)

February 2024 - Volunteer Health and Safety document

February 2024 - Delegated Decisions to note

February 2024 - Report from Playground Working Group

February 2024 - Report from Landulph Climate Group

February 2024 - Report from Landulph Orchard Group

February 2024 - Planning Updates for information

February 2024 - Report from the Landulph Energy Working Group

February 2024 - Energy Working Group draft Terms of Reference

January 2024 - Planning Updates Report

January 2024 - Report from the Governance and Finance Working Group

January 2024 - Report from the Playground Working Group

January 2024 - Report Landulph Climate Working Group

January 2024 - Report Landulph Orchard Green Working Group

December 2023 - Precept Proposals and Agreed Precept for 2024-25

December 2023 - Finance Update

December 2023 - Landulph Orchard Working Group report

December 2023 - Landulph Climate Working Group report

December 2023 - Review of the Reserves Policy

December 2023 - Delegated Decisions to note

December 2023 - Report from the Energy Working Group

November 2023 - Report from the Governance and Finance Working Group

November 2023 - Report from Landulph Orchard Group

November 2023 - Report from Landulph Climate Group

October 2023 - Report from the Playing Field Working Group

October 2023 - Planning Updates Report

October 2023 - Finance Update at 07.10.23

October 2023 - Report from Landulph Energy Proposals Working Group

October 2023 - Report from Landulph Orchard Group

October 2023 - Report from Landulph Climate Group

September 2023 - Report on proposals for the Bus Shelter decoration

September 2023 - Report from Landulph Orchard Group

September 2023 - Report from Landulph Climate Group

September 2023 - Planning Updates Report

September 2023 - Report from Playing Field Working Group

July 2023 - Report from Landulph Parish Climate Action Group

July 2023 - Playground Working Group Report

July 2023 - Planning Updates Report

July 2023 - Report of the Governance and Finance Working Group

June 2023 - Report of the Governance and Finance Working Group

June 2023 - Report Community Orchard Green

June 2023 - Report Playground Working Group

June 2023 - Report from Landulph Parish Climate Action Group

May 2023 - Landulph Parish Housing Needs Survey

May 2023 - Report from Landulph Parish Climate Action Group

May 2023 - Playing Field Working Group proposal

May 2023 - Landulph Orchard Green Draft Terms of Reference

May 2023 - Working Group Update Community Orchard Project

April 2023 - Report Community Orchard Project

April 2023 - Report from LPCAG

March 2023 - Report Tamara project proposal

March 2023 - Report from the Playground Working Group

March 2023 - Report from LPCAG

March 2023 - Report from the Governance and Finance Working Group

Policies & Procedures

Communications Policy

Landulph Parish Council Orchard Green Volunteer Health and Safety document

Landulph Energy Working Group Terms of Reference

Safeguarding Policy

Community Orchard Green Working Group TOR

Training Policy

Landulph Parish Council Playing Field Working Group Terms of Reference

Landulph Parish Council Governance and Finance Working Group Terms of Reference

Landulph Parish Council Grass Maintenance Contract 2020-22

Landulph Parish Council Pensions Discretions Policy

Pension Resolution July 2022

Local Council Pre-application Protocol

Climate Change Statement of Intent v4 adopted September 2022

Landulph Parish Climate Action Group Terms of Reference

Landulph Parish Council Standing Orders, adopted 23 April 2021

Landulph Parish Council Code of Conduct, adopted 23 April 2021

Landulph Parish Council Financial Regulations

Landulph Parish Council Reserves Policy

Landulph Parish Council Meetings Guide

Landulph Parish Council Grant Awarding Policy and Application


Notice of conclusion of audit 2022/23

Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited AGAR 2022/23

Notice of conclusion of audit AGAR year ended 31 March 2022

Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (c.2)


Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-24

Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited AGAR 2023/24

Explanation of Significant Variances Fixed Assets 23/24

Explanation of Significant Variances Reserves 23/24

Explanation of Significant Variances Payments 23/24

Explanation of Significant Variances Receipts 23/24

Explanation of Significant Variances Accounting Statement 23/24

Bank Reconciliation 2023/24

Fixed Assets Register 2023-24

Expenditure over £100 23/24

External Auditor Report and Certificate AGAR 2022/23

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23

Accounts Year 2022-23 Payments over £100

Bank Reconciliation 2022/23

Explanation of Significant Variances 2022/23

Explanation of Variances Other Receipts 2022/23

Explanation of Reserves 2022/23

Budget Update 31.03.2023

Card from Prince and Princess of Wales

Card from King Charles III

Fixed Assets Register 2022-23

Affordable Housing Need Survey information

Precept proposal 2023-24

Finance Update 30.09.2022

External Auditor Report and Certificate 21-22

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-22

Explanation of variances 2021-22

Information Commissioner's Registration Certificate to 13 October 2023

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018-19

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017/18

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18 Page 6

Annual return ended 31 March 2017

Annual Return ended 31 March 2016

Community Energy Plus presentation March22

Cornwall Council presentation March22

DriveEnergy presentationMarch22

Annual Return ended 31 March 2015

Westcountry Rivers Trust presentation Feb22

Tamara Landscape presentation Feb22

Environment Agency presentation Feb22

Budget update at 31.05.21

Notice of exercise of public rights of AGAR 2020-21

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21

Bank reconciliation - AGAR 2020-21

Explanation for high reserves - AGAR 2020-21

Explanation of Variances AGAR 2020-21

Precept 2021-22 options

Community Broadband FAQs

Rosehill Nurseries Planning Application Appeal letter

Landulph Parish Broadband information

Landulph Parish Broadband printable form

Expenditure Over £100 2019-20

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20

Caradon Corona Virus Support

Notes of meeting with Cornwall Council Planning 17.02.2020

Expenditure Over £100 2018-19

Expenditure Over £100 2020-21

End of Year Accounts Bank Reconciliation 2018-19

End of Year Accounts Variances 2018-19

Parish Council response to LNDP examiner February 2019

Expenditure Over £100 2017-18

Expenditure Over £100 2016/17

Expenditure Over £100 2015/16

End of Year Accounts Variances 2015 to 2016

End of Year Accounts Bank Reconciliation 2015-16